Avito becomes world’s most visited classified ads site

While America’s Craigslist is the most recognisable online classifieds platform, it’s in emerging markets that the segment is really taking off. According to digital analytics service Similarweb, the most visited classified ads website in the world for November 2021 was Russia’s Avito, which displaced Craigslist from the top spot for the first time.

Avito is billed as Russia’s leading classified ads website, where users can do everything from buy and sell second-hand items to find a job, rent a home or buy a car. The site had almost 280 million visits throughout the month, according to Similarweb. The average visitor stays for 11 minutes, in which time they visit around 12 pages of advertisements.

Avito becomes world’s most visited classified ads siteRead More
Topics: Data & Reports, Digital services & Apps, Online classifieds
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